Well, we had intended to get the tree put up this weekend but like many weekends before - our plans were changed. We picked Miley up from my Mom's house Saturday afternoon and she had a rash all over her body. My Mom thought it looked like the Measles so we took her to see our family doctor since the Pediatrician's office was closed (what's the deal with that anyway - I always need them on the weekend). Dr. Barber said he couldn't rule out measles except for the fact that's really rare to see it in the U.S. these days. He thought it was probably a drug reaction and sent us home with a steroid. She went ahead and spent the night with my Mother-N-Law as usual on Saturday night and we were woke up with an early morning call saying her rash was much worse. After talking on the phone with Dr. Barber he thought we should take her to the emergency room. We spent 2 hours & $75.00 more there for them to tell us the exact same thing. He thought she was probable allergic to penicillin. We were sent home again with a much worse baby by this time and no more information than we started out with. I have to say she is looking much much better on this Monday morning though. We had to reschedule our family picture this week just to be sure! The steroid had her jumping all over the house and she CAN'T SLEEP so we CAN'T SLEEP. Lucky for me Curtis is on vacation this week so I have some help but it's put a damper on our weekly plans. Keep Miley in your prayers. Her month long ear infection seems to have cleared up but her throat doesn't look good and they don't want to keep dosing her until the rash is gone to be safe.
3 years ago
Oh my!! That happened to me once. I looked just like Miley. They said it was an allergic reaction to my antibiotic that I had taken 3 weeks earlier. I've never had an allergic reaction to anything, and honestly I've even taken the same antibiotic since then and did not get a rash. Mine itched like crazy...I hope Miley get's some sleep!!! (you too!!)
Wow! Those pictures look bad, Jill! Poor girl! Brian's allergic to penicillin, too. I'm glad she seems to be doing better.
I did hear about this. I saw you pix & your blog earlier, I just haven't made it back to leave you a comment yet. Wow!! That poor baby. That is aweful!! I hope she's doing better now.
I'll be posting a new blog later about the reunion. Gotta get off here & get some stuff done. Do ya'll need anything? Please let me know if I can do anything to help.
OH my goodness! Jill, bless your heart! Emma is allergic to penicillin too! I'll keep you all in my prayers!
I loved the pictures of her 1 year photo shoot! The tutu and shirt looked sweet!
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